End-to-End Example

This example provides a simple demonstration of MXMCPy functionality. Here, the high-fidelity model considered is the Ishigami function, which is frequently used to test methods for uncertainty quantification:

\[f^{(1)}\ =\ sin(z_1)\ +\ 5\ sin^{2}(z_2)\ +\ \frac{1}{10}\ z_3^{4} sin(z_1)\]
\[with\ \ z_i \sim \textit{U} (-\pi,\ \pi)\]

The following two correlated functions [1] are treated as low-fidelity models to facilitate the use of multi-model estimators:

\[f^{(2)}\ =\ sin(z_1)\ +\ 4.75\ sin^{2}(z_2)\ +\ \frac{1}{10}\ z_3^{4} sin(z_1)\]
\[f^{(3)}\ =\ sin(z_1)\ +\ 3\ sin^{2}(z_2)\ +\ \frac{9}{10}\ z_3^{2} sin(z_1)\]

Furthermore, the costs associated with evaluating the functions \(f^{(1)}\), \(f^{(2)}\), and \(f^{(3)}\) are assumed to be 1.0, 0.05, 0.001 seconds, respectively. The goal is to estimate \(E[f^{(1)}]\) using MXMCPy by leveraging all three models and comparing with the analytical solution, \(E[f^{(1)}] = 2.5\).

This example covers each step for utilizing MXMCPy: estimating the covariance of model outputs from pilot samples, performing the sample allocation optimization, and forming an estimator from outputs generated from each model according to the optimal sample allocation.

The full source code for this example can be found in the MXMCPy repository:


Step 1: Compute model outputs for pilot samples

In order to determine the optimal sample allocation across the available models, MXMCPy needs the cost of each model as well as the covariance matrix of the outputs from each model. If the covariance matrix is unknown, it can be estimated from pilot samples, demonstrated here.

Starting from the beginning, the necessary Python modules are imported, including MXMCPy classes and Numpy:

import numpy as np

from mxmc import Optimizer
from mxmc import OutputProcessor
from mxmc import Estimator

It is assumed that a user-defined class (IshigamiModel) implementing the Ishigami models and function (get_uniform_sample_distribution) for sampling the uniform random inputs are available. Three IshigamiModels are then instantiated per the parameters in the equations above and stored in a list variable named “models”:

from ishigami_model import IshigamiModel

num_pilot_samples = 10
model_costs = np.array([1, .05, .001])

high_fidelity_model =   IshigamiModel(a=5.,   b=.1, c=4.)
medium_fidelity_model = IshigamiModel(a=4.75, b=.1, c=4.)
low_fidelity_model =    IshigamiModel(a=3.,   b=.9, c=2.)

models = [high_fidelity_model, medium_fidelity_model, low_fidelity_model]

Ten pilot samples are computed with each model as follows:

pilot_inputs = get_uniform_sample_distribution(num_pilot_samples)
pilot_outputs = list()
for model in models:

The covariance matrix is then computed using the MXMCPy OutputProcessor class:

covariance_matrix = OutputProcessor.compute_covariance_matrix(pilot_outputs)

At this point the necessary elements for computing optimal sample allocation are now available: model costs, pilot outputs, and a covariance matrix.

Step 2: Perform sample allocation optimization

The sample allocation optimization with MXMCPy is now performed assuming a computational budget or target cost of 10000 seconds.

In the below snippet taken from the example code, all available optimization algorithms are individually tested to find the method that produces the lowest estimator variance. The Optimizer.optimize() method returns an instance of the OptimizationResult class with attributes for estimatore variance and optimal sample allocation. The sample allocation with the lowest variance will be used to generate an estimator in the subsequent steps.

target_cost = 10000
variance_results = dict()
sample_allocation_results = dict()

mxmc_optimizer = Optimizer(model_costs, covariance_matrix)

algorithms = Optimizer.get_algorithm_names()
for algorithm in algorithms:

    opt_result = mxmc_optimizer.optimize(algorithm, target_cost)
    variance_results[algorithm] = opt_result.variance
    sample_allocation_results[algorithm] = opt_result.allocation

    print("{} method variance: {}".format(algorithm, opt_result.variance))

best_method = min(variance_results, key=variance_results.get)
sample_allocation = sample_allocation_results[best_method]

print("Best method: ", best_method)

The Optimizer class also provides functionality for determining an optimal subset of the models via the boolean parameter auto_model_selection of the Optimizer.optimize() method. By default, all provided models are used. Note that enabling this option could take considerably longer as every combination of the models will be tested.

mxmc_optimizer = Optimizer(model_costs,

opt_result = mxmc_optimizer.optimize(algorithm, target_cost)
variance_results = opt_result.variance
sample_allocation_results = opt_result.allocation

Step 3: Generate input samples for models

The SampleAllocation class provides functionality for determining how many random input samples are needed and how they are to be allocated across the available models. This is demonstrated below for the optimal sample allocation object found in the previous step:

num_total_samples = sample_allocation.num_total_samples
all_samples = get_uniform_sample_distribution(num_total_samples) # User code.
model_input_samples = sample_allocation.allocate_samples_to_models(all_samples)

The num_total_samples property can be referenced for creation of an ndarray of inputs, which can then be provided to the allocate_samples_to_models() method. This method will redistribute the ndarray of input samples into a list of ndarrays, each containing the prescribed number of samples for each model.

Step 4: Compute model outputs for prescribed inputs

Now that the input samples for each model have been generated and allocated, outputs are generated by evaluating the Ishigami models as follows:

model_outputs = list()
for input_sample, model in zip(model_input_samples, models):

The outputs are stored in a list of ndarrays corresponding to each model.

Note that for the practical case where evaluating the available models is time consuming and must be done in an offline fashion, the SampleAllocation class has functionality to save and load to/from disc. This way, the optimal sample allocation can be saved after Step 2 above and then loaded to generate an estimator in Step 5 next.

Step 5: Form estimator

Finally, an estimator for \(E[f^{(1)}]\) is computed using the Estimator class and the model outputs from the previous step:

estimator = Estimator(sample_allocation, covariance_matrix)
estimate = estimator.get_estimate(model_outputs)

print("Estimate = ", estimate)

Note that the sample allocation object from Step 2 and the covariance matrix from Step 1 are required here. The covariance matrix could also be updated at this point using the model outputs generated in the previous step. The MXMCPy estimator is close to the true value of 2.5.

[1] “High-dimensional and higher-order multifidelity Monte Carlo estimators” (Quaglino, 2018)